What is User Experience ?
Who is a “User”? A user is something or someone that operates a good or service and is most likely not involved in the production or development phase.
What is an “ Experience”? An Experience is an observation from an encounter that usually leaves an impression.
Then, We can say User Experience is the observation that something or someone encounters when they operate a good or service.
A user’s experience can be good or bad and it can affect whether they will want to experience that observation again.
For example, as a user, you will prefer to book your doctor appointment at the convience of your room on your phone and knowing your scheduled time than going to wait several hours at the hospital.
Another example is when you will prefer to use a lift to the 20th floor of a building than to use the staircase.
As humans, one of our main needs is comfort. And we will always want to pick an experience that provides ease , saves time , brings comfort and vice versa.